This review was done a few weeks before the management decided to find a new venue. But when it opens we hope for more of the same…

All comedy clubs have their own little characters. No one club is ever the same. considering how few the options are for change.

Consider this club then.
Held every week on Thursday nights in Woodstock, is Jou Ma’s se comedy club. Its been running for a good wee while now, every week with a cracking line up of comedy.

The venue itself is the Albert Hall. Used most nights of the week for a variety of events. Mostly hip stuff. The stage is deeply receessed along a narrow strip. Im my advice, arrive as early as possible and sit down towards the front. The lighting used here is so powerful that It can be used to spot the lufftwaffe should they decide to fly above. The sounds is good and above all its a great club.

Cost wise, its the most expensive comedy night in cape town. The drinks are astronomical and the parking is not great. There is security outside the venue keeping an eye on cars etc. Also they do not accept cards, so you need to bring along some cash money.

You will see a selection of the best acts in the country at Joe Ma’s Se Comedy club, but for R70 a ticket, its costly and not in the best location.

Audience here tends to be a bit more mature than some of the other nights across Town. With a strong backing from 104.9 Heart FM, with Kurt sending out comics for regular interviews on the station.